The Chlorimeter Chloride Test System Manufacturer,Supplier and Exporter in India
Product Code : EL-ACTOC-10935
Lab Equipment India is a leading The Chlorimeter Chloride Test System Manufacturer,and suppliers in India
Product Description
The Chlorimeter Chloride Test System
The determination of the chloride ion concentration in concrete is essential in assessing the need for maintenance on, for example, bridge decks and parking structures.
A field kit for the determination of chloride ion content in concrete, fresh cement, masonry, most other construction materials, and water.
The Chlorimeter produces results on-site, within minutes that are accurate and comparable to expensive laboratory tests.
The test can also be used to ensure that materials used in new construction are free from potentially harmful chloride ion levels.
It measures the electrochemical reaction of a weighted sample placed in an extraction liquid.
It automatically shows a temperature compensated reading of percent of chlorides on its digital display.
With this method, the concentration of acid soluble chlorides is measured.
In most cases, this is equivalent to total chloride concentration.
A wide range— from 0.002 to 2% chloride by weight— is covered.